Know yourself and others by sleeping positions

  A recent survey held to know the relation between our sleeping positions and our characters. We all take up different sleeping positions but we tend to sleep in certain positions for long. It may be a bit funny to observe our spouses in their sleep ( because I get sleep by watching others sleep) but lets try it for a while. Believe it is proved right among all my friends. I never predict anything without having tried once.

     Lets find out how our sleeping positions determines our characters. Know yourself and others. Come on have a look here.
THE SOLDIER POSITION: People who sleep with back position like a statue are not only generous in nature but highly sensitive. They may look hard to chat with, but when you make them your friends they are at your call away. They respect every relation with heart but a bit choosy while making friends . If their heart is broken for once it take a lifetime to repair.(so never hurt a friend who sleeps like soldier)
THE STARFISH POSITION: These are easy go ones who take the life as it comes. They flow with the wind. If you have any problem , go to them. They have the solution. They think beyond the other side. They enjoy music a lot .
THE SIDE POSITION : The people who sleep side way either positioned stiffly or hands out,often thinks that they born for a cause. They are logical minded and hard to deceive. They are good orators and dynamic personalities. They catch others lying with ease. Their mind is full of questions and they are reasonable. ( Check whether your dad sleeps in this position).They are always ready for social movements and fight for justice.
THE FOETUS: Here are the most sensitive people who always seek of love and care. They are spiritual and religious minded . They love nature and their nature is to love everyone. They easily forgive others. they do not have the fear of tomorrow nor the haunting past. They are happy go lucky people.
THE STOMACH POSITION: Here are most fun loving people who always cheer up others and make any tougher environment easy. They always crave for food. They are good at different things. People enjoy their company as they always talk with their funny bone. Simply people who sleep in stomach position have lots of sense of humor.
 SO NOW ITS UPTO YOU ....Check  the article with you and your mates.


  1. I just want to say that all the information you have given here is awesome...great and nice blog thanks sharing..Thank you very much for this one. And i hope this will be useful for many people.. and i am waiting for your next post keep on updating these kinds of knowledgeable things.
    know yourself through spiritual guide


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